Yay I've won immunity! It's a great feeling not having to worry this round, even though I wouldn't have been anyway. In the end this is just another thing to put on the resume if I get to plead my case at Final Tribal. I HOPE to be able to at least one more of the next 5 , that'd look pretty good come FTC right?
Challenge fallout: As always, the majority rules challenge delivers some really solid information. As I could tell, Matty seems to have bigger things going on than just me and Pete and Pete seems to still be playing up how he's only social with *insert person he's talking to*.
Bobby Jon and someone else got "challenge beast" or whatever. I've been stoking the fire making sure people don't overlook him because of his "oh I wasn't even trying" attitude. Hopefully that'll make it easier to rally the troops at final whatever and get him out regardless of the alliances.
I wasn't picked for a SINGLE one and I kinda love it. Granted I'm not playing a super strong game but I'm also on no one's radar. That counts for something right?
Endgame: Should my final 3 with Matty/Pete hold up I'd theoretically be in a great position going to the final 2. I say this because Matty can be viewed as a strategic threat while Pete a social one. If I can pit the two "giants" against each other then I could have a free pass to the end immunity or not.
Second thoughts: Obviously the final 3 with players perceived to be strong has it's upside, but you're blind if you don't take caution in going into "goat" territory. Let's just say I am and there's NO WAY I win in a final 2 versus either one. I would have two options, change my competition, or improve myself visibly and perceptually.
The first one is tough because it really does not fall in line with my "strategy" (it's more like an ideal) of playing the passive, nice guy here. The only scenario I see that happening is a possibly tie breaker at final 4 by Pete or Matty flipping on us/eachother. Or at least convince Matty to tie it up since he's clearly trying to go all Hantzy on us, let him dig his own grave and oust Pete in the process.
Second, I change my own image. I hope to establish some kind of "challenge threat" moniker by the end of the game if I can secure another. Past that, I'd really have to step up my social game. I've been faltering for a couple rounds and putting that back on track could really help me garner some support in that area.
A solid social game could make Pete a lot less threatening come FTC as long as there's some Tane resentment towards him flipping. A social game could also possibly put me ahead of Matty in that area. When compared to our (at this point) equal strategic resumes I think I could beat him as well.
I'm not one to guarantee anything in this game so don't think that. I'd be silly not to consider my future options though. Ugh this means I'm gonna have to actually talk to people and be social :/
Tribal Council: Unanimous for Misty I'd assume but, barring a crazy idol play, she's gonna be going home. Would it be evil to throw a vote on Pete and write "FLIPPER
" just to hurt Pete's image a little? It's definitely villainous, but it's covert enough that I wouldn't really be caught...hmmmm